package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("The purpose of this blog")
It's a great question because I do not enjoy writing nor do I enjoy proofreading and editing. also, there are already other outlets for this kind of tech content, websites like medium already have an established blog and audience where individuals write about tech topics.
Well, The main purpose of this blog is to manage a website completely built from scratch using a modern tech stack and be able to handle the website's bugs and performance issues completely by me. while exploring the latest technologies, for Example moving from one host to a cloud provider, changing frameworks due to performance, and more. As a developer, taking on a live project from scratch builds confidence. Being able to experience and eventually understand some of the other issues that I would not be able to face from my 9-to-5 job. Although, being that this is just a blog website there might not be as many issues as other websites with many more features and functionalities. But as we expand and create more content, it will create more opportunities to learn and improve.
Secondly, Most of my time as a developer has been on the front end of things. Although, I've also developed many backends for websites in a production environment or just for fun. With a website like this, I'll be more encouraged to explore more topics I'm not too familiar with; such as machine learning, advanced algorithm, algorithm techniques, mobile development particularly SwiftUI and Kotlin, and many more. There are endless topics that I can explore and give my insight to other developers like myself; that has spent the majority of our time on web development. This allows me to further explore technologies and learn new topics.
Topic | Experience level |
Data Structutres | Beginner |
Algorithms | Beginner |
Web Development | intermediate |
Mobile Development | Beginner |
Machine Learning | None |
Lastly, this is a way to share my knowledge and experience with the world. during the time of making this blog, I've already learned the basics of web development. Spent some time learning different algorithms, explored a majority of the data structures needed for algorithm coding interviews, and explored frameworks such as react JS and angular JS. Looked into languages such as GoLang, Python, nodeJS, and Java. So, it's fair to say I'm not a beginner at programming, But this does not stop me from exploring these topics from the beginning perspective.
The Majority of the first portion of content created will be centered around exploring different basics of programming so we will first explore different data structures, then move into algorithms, and algorithmic problems. walking through and applying different techniques for easy medium leetcode / interview type questions. then branch out from there.
The content here is not meant to be a complete reference for any topic, I will do my best to also include outside references to learn more about each technical topic. The website is meant to be a way to share my process of learning while documenting it.
Syntax | Description |
Header | Title |
Paragraph | Text |
function startBlogging() {